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Medical English II
The course aims at giving students the opportunity to increase their command of English in general, as well as in the more specialised field of „medical English“. Only Students from the fifth semester onwards may attend.

Dozent Termine Beginn Plätze Freie Plätze Einschreibungszeitraum
L. Reeder Donnerstag 12:00-14:00 (Wöchentlich)
25 17 13.04. 16:30 – 17.04. 12:00

Medical Discussion
This course will give students the opportunity to discuss medical topics in English in a relaxed, informal atmosphere. Subjects such as medical ethics, alternative medicine, genetic engineering, electives, medical tourism and environmental medicine will be dealt with, as well as any issues which students might also wish to suggest.

Dozent Termine Beginn Plätze Freie Plätze Einschreibungszeitraum
Dr. W. Adamson Dienstag 10:00-12:00 (Wöchentlich)
20 17 13.04. 16:30 – 17.04. 12:00

English for Molecular Medicine
This is the first part of a two-semester course which focuses on the language of medicine and molecular medicine. Special attention will be paid to the vocabulary and grammar that characterize academic discourse and writing. We will read articles from medical and biomedical journals, have a look at innovative diagnostic methods and therapies, and discuss ethical issues. The course will make use of audio visual material.

Dozent Termine Beginn Plätze Freie Plätze Einschreibungszeitraum
Dr. M. Kautenburger Mittwoch 08:00-10:00 (Wöchentlich)
40 39 13.04. 16:30 – 17.04. 12:00
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